£111.00 GBP

Desirable 💘

Sign up to Desirable to learn how to attract your soulmate with ease.

What you'll get:

  • Part 1: 

    Releasing Your Old Identity: the identity that has been keeping you stuck & not moving forward in love

    Do you label yourself as 'unlucky in love,' 'career woman,' 'the single friend' or something else? We will uncover your UNIQUE past & present identity that has been keeping you stuck and release it so that you can move forward in your love life.

  • Part 2:

    Embodying Your New, Most Desirable Self: Defining and reprogramming in your new identity that calls in your person.

    Your unique desirability is what will attract your unique match.

  • Part 3:

    Putting it into action: We will integrate the new identity you have created into real life. How does she come across in real life situations? On your dating profile? Day to day?

    This part is all about taking action to see the results on the external world